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Privacy statement


The protection of your privacy when using our online service is important to us. With this privacy statement, we would like to inform you about the personal data we collect, process and store on this platform.

Personal data is collected, processed and stored in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) (new). Furthermore, the City of Stuttgart is subject to the State Data Protection Act Baden-Wuerttemberg, the Zebralog GmbH commissioned by us is subject to the Federal Data Protection Act (new) 2018 (BDSG new).

The responsible body for data collection, data processing and data protection is:

Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart (City of Stuttgart)
Statutory body
Representative: Mayor Dr. Frank Nopper

Marktplatz 1
70173 Stuttgart

Privacy officer:

Eberhardtstraße 6a, 70178 Stuttgart

E-mail: Tel.: +49 711 216- 88387


We have commissioned Zebralog GmbH (Berlin) as an external service provider for the provision and the technical operation of this online service and the associated electronic data processing. Zebralog GmbH is obliged to comply with data protection regulations to the same extent as we are and guarantees us that the data transmitted to it is processed reliably and securely.

The data is stored and operated online here on behalf of Zebralog GmbH on servers of GmbH on servers within the European Union. There, the data is stored separately from other applications. GmbH is also obliged vis-à-vis Zebralog GmbH to comply with data protection regulations in accordance with GDPR and BDSG (new) to the same extent.

Personal data

The provision of personal data is required for participation in the international ideas contest “Space for Ideas”. Personal data of participants submitted along with the contest contributions shall only be collected, processed and/or used insofar as it is required for organising the international ideas contest and the subsequent publication of the best up to 50 entries via the shortlist. We will also inform you by email about upcoming events (e.g. award ceremony) and further steps in the participation process (e.g. publication of the results or city council resolutions on how to deal with the contest results).

The legal basis of such data processing is Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR.

You must be of legal age to provide your personal data in the context of your registration for participation in our online service. With your participation as a registered user, you confirm that you are at least eighteen years old.

The submitting persons, and in the case of a group submission, all team members agree to the publication of their own name and place of residence in the media used by the City of Stuttgart and press and public relations work of the City of Stuttgart in the context of the contest. This includes the publication of the names of all submitting persons on the websites of the City of Stuttgart and its social media platforms. Once reporting on the contest has been completed, the results of the international ideas contest will be archived within the city. An anonymised archiving of your competition entry and deletion of your personal data is possible on request.

Photos published on the internet or in social media can be accessed worldwide. Further use and/or modification by a third party cannot be excluded. The complete deletion of the photos published on the internet cannot be guaranteed by the City of Stuttgart, since other websites may have copied or modified the photos. The City of Stuttgart cannot be held liable for the type and form of use by a third party. The data will not be disclosed by the City of Stuttgart to recipients who pursue their own purposes with this data. In the case of social media, however, it is possible that the respective social media service may be granted the right to use the published data.


Without your express consent, no personal data will be transmitted to a third party. In accordance with the statutory provisions, you have the right to information, correction or deletion of your personal data, as well as to data portability and restriction of data processing (Article 15- 21 GDPR).

Usage data

In principle, you can visit this online service without disclosing your identity. We log access to our online service in operation for a limited period to protect our data processing systems from attacks and to ensure smooth operations. This server access data is exclusively for analysing misuse. It is stored separately from the data collected on the online service itself and will be used neither by us nor other service providers for other purposes. We only review these log files in the case of technical problems or if the data stored there could help to remedy these problems.

Usage data is only stored on the online service in anonymised form. This is, for instance, the name of your internet service provider, the website from which you accessed our service or the subpages that you access on our online service. Reference to your person cannot be made from this information and it is only stored for statistically evaluating the usage and for improving the online service as a whole.

The usage data of the online service is generated with the open source programme Matomo, published under the GNU Public License that ensures that the data is collected and stored in accordance with privacy law. Upon request, you can prevent (deactivate) the storage of this usage data by unchecking the box in the window provided on this site.

We respect the “Do not track setting” of your browser: If you have set your browser not to store your usage data, storage on our site is automatically deactivated.

Communication by e-mail

If you send us an e-mail, your e-mail address will be transmitted to us as personal data. If necessary, we will forward your message and a contact option to our department responsible or companies commissioned by us. We or the companies commissioned by us will use this information exclusively for correspondence with you, there will be no processing for other purposes. We will not forward your e-mail address to a third party for any other purpose.

If we commission an external service provider to process and / or reply to your e-mail, this service provider is obliged to comply with the privacy provision to the same extent as we are and guarantees by contract that the personal data you sent us via e-mail will be used securely, reliably and for the intended purpose.

Deletion of data, revocation of consent and right to information

All personal data is exclusively collected and used for the purposes described above. Upon the deactivation of our online service, the personal data will be anonymised or deleted in accordance with statutory provisions. This does not apply to the award-winning/best ideas (see the “Personal data” paragraph of this Privacy Statement).

As a user, you are entitled at any time to revoke your consent to the processing of personal data. However, the data is required for participating in the contest. If you revoke your consent, participation in the ongoing contest will not be possible. You are also entitled to receive information about your personal data stored – free of charge. In addition, you are entitled to have your personal data corrected or deleted in accordance with statutory provisions. To do so, please send an e-mail to Zebralog GmbH, the company we have commissioned: If you want to contact us by e-mail, we would inform you that the content of unencrypted e-mails can be viewed by a third party. We therefore recommend you send confidential information either in encrypted form or by post.

Right to appeal to the supervisory authority

You are entitled to lodge a complaint at the responsible supervisory authority:

Der Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg, Postfach 102932, 70025 Stuttgart, e-mail:

Use of cookies

This online service uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored locally in the cache of your internet browser. Cookies enable recognition of your browser if you visit the website at a later date. This means for instance that posts and comments entered as a guest can also be assigned to you, even if you decide to register at a later date (setting up a user account, see above). The lifetime of the cookies we use is limited to seven days. However, you can delete them yourself via your browser prior to the expiry of this period.

In principle, you can completely switch off the use of cookies on this online service in your internet browser. In this case, however, registration and login will no longer be possible.

Links to other websites

Our online service contains links to other websites. We do not have any influence on these contents or the compliance with applicable legislations. Therefore, we cannot assume any responsibility for these contents. This Privacy Statement exclusively applies to our online service.


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