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Render of the Rosenstein quarter with a symbolic lit up cube as space for ideas

Space for Ideas

Welcome to the submission platform for the ideas contest.

Here you were able to submit your idea. We do not accept any further submissions nor changes to the ideas handed in. To prepare for the jury process we have deactivated the log-in.

Internation ideas contest

"Space for ideas" is emerging directly at the future main railway station. From 15 May to 15 July 2024 people from all over the world can submit proposals for the use of the space becoming available at Manfred-Rommel-Platz, where we have the skylights of the future central station. T

From individuals to companies, from students and schoolchildren to associations - each and every idea is welcome. Contributions from international participants are expressly encouraged.

Up to and including 15 July, all interested individuals can get to work independently or as a group and develop proposals for the "Space for Ideas" and submit them here on the platform.

For more details see the main contest page.

The most important

1. Sign up

Firstly, you need to register in order to submit your idea.

We will ask for basic information about you that is relevant for the rest of the process. We need this information in order to be able to contact you in the further competition process, for example if your idea has been awarded a prize by the jury.

Registration further allows you to adapt and refine your ideas until the end of the submission period.

In case you don't receive a confirmation mail for your registration, please check your spam folder.

2. Submit an idea

You can submit:

  •     A short text (3,000 characters, equivalent to about one DIN A4 page) that compactly describes your idea and raises further interest in your idea.
  •     Up to four image files that illustrate your idea as well as possible. Anything is possible, from a photo of a model or a drawing to computer-generated visualisations.  

You can download our game of ideas from the contest page. The game will guide you through the idea development process. It further contains templates that can help you visualise your idea.

Edit and refine your idea

You have until 15 July to adapt and refine your ideas. To do this, log in again on this page. In the "My account" tab, you will find an overview of the ideas you have submitted for you to further edit them.

The current state uploaded by midnight on the 15th of July will be the assessed version of your idea.

Structure of the contest

Following the submission phase, the jury will select a shortlist with a maximum of 50 of the best ideas.

  •     6 November 2024: The jury meets in Stuttgart and awards prizes and recognition for the best ideas. The jury has a total of €30,000 in prize money at its disposal. All information about the jury and the prize money can be found on our main contest page
  •    8 November 2024 at 2.30 pm: The winners will be announced at a press conference and made accessible to interested public in a local and digital exhibition .
  •   19 November 2024: Award ceremony in Stuttgart


What to take into consideration if minors are involved in the ideas

We are very happy to receive ideas from young people!

If you are under 18, ask for example your parents or teachers, if they support you in submitting ideas. There are a few things you and we need to bear in mind when people under 18 are involved in submitting ideas. We have described all the information in detail in the form for submissions involving minors.

Key Points:

Children and young people under the age of 18 can only submit their idea with the help of an adult.

  •     Option A: The idea is submitted by a project leader of legal age (e.g. a parent or guardian, teacher, trainer, etc.) on behalf of a group. The submission is made as a team and without naming the individual children and young people.
  •     Option B: Children and young people can also submit their ideas under their own name with the help of person of legal age taking the responsibility. This requires a completed declaration of consent (PDF) from all legal guardians of the children and young people involved uploaded alongside with the submission.


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