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Terms and conditions of participation

State Capital Stuttgart international ideas contest “Space for ideas” Conditions of participation

1 Subject of the international ideas contest

1.1 The international ideas contest “Space for ideas” is intended to find ideas how the A3 sub-unit can be used. This is the area that is directly located at the planned Manfred-Rommel-Platz with the skylights of the through station. The dimensions and the exact position of the space available can be seen in the diagrams of the task, which are presented at

1.2 In contrast to architectural or building construction contests, the international ideas contest is a process with public participation and is therefore open to all people or groups of people from Stuttgart or the national and international setting.

1.3 Proposals for use can be submitted to the international ideas contest in the form of text, images or diagrams that describe the planned use concisely. Professionally developed plan drawings, models or renderings are not necessary.

1.4 A jury consisting of representatives of various specialist units, citizens, young people, mayors and political groups will award prizes for the best ideas in a two-step selection process. In addition, the jury may commend submissions that have not been awarded a prize but show outstanding characteristics. A total prize-money of 30,000 euros (gross) will be available to the jury.

1.5 The international ideas contest ends with the prize awards by the jury and the subsequent award ceremony and exhibition. Then, the prize-winning ideas are reviewed by the administration and presented to the political bodies in the form of a proposed resolution. The municipal council of the state capital Stuttgart decides which of the award-winning ideas are to be further analysed spatially and considered in the subsequent workshop procedure for the development of an urban development utilisation concept. There shall be no entitlement that the ideas are realised by the administration nor a claim to follow-up projects.


2 Organiser of the ideas contest

The organiser is the State Capital Stuttgart

Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
Marktplatz 1
70173 Stuttgart

Abteilung Kommunikation


3 Eligibility

3.1 Individuals of full age or minors who are represented by their parents or legal guardians for the purpose of the ideas contest and submit a declaration of consent on the platform signed by their parents or legal guardians are eligible. Clubs, enterprises, schools, kindergartens and other groups are also eligible to participate, provided they submit their ideas via a project manager. At the time of submission, the project manager must be of legal age and available as a contact for the term of the contest and for subsequent processing.

3.2 There is no legal entitlement to participate in the contest.

3.3 Employees of the State Capital Stuttgart, who are directly or indirectly involved in the Stuttgart 21 and/or Stuttgart Rosenstein projects are excluded from participation. Persons or service providers who actively participate in the organisation of the ideas contest are also excluded. In addition, members or assessors of the jury are not entitled to participate in the ideas contest. The organiser may decide on the eligibility on a case-by-case basis and, with sufficient justification, may reject it.


4 Ideas contest procedure

The ideas contest is divided into three phases.

4.1 Open submission: From 15 May to 15 July 2024, participants can submit their idea via the form in the online platform If the participant is not an individual, the project manager will submit the idea on behalf of the group. The ideas should be explained in the submission form. Texts and up to four image files can be submitted for clarification.

The organiser provides an “ideas game” to support the development of ideas. Workshops are also offered where the participants are guided through the development of ideas by a moderator appointed by the organiser. The moderators only provide support in the procedure. The participants are solely responsible for developing ideas with regard to content. All further information on the ideas game and the workshop formats are available at

Ideas can be submitted as of 15.05.2024, 6 p.m. Participation deadline is 15.07.2024, midnight. Submissions beyond this participation period cannot be taken into consideration.

In exceptional cases, submissions can also be made in analogue form. A corresponding submission form can be had at or by phone +49 (0)711 216-25799 (if not available, call +49 (0)711 216-0). For analogue submissions, the same conditions and formats shall be applicable as for online submissions. Analogue submissions must be submitted as texts and images that can digitised. Again, in analogue form models or other three-dimensional works may not be submitted.

4.2 Evaluation of the submitted ideas and jury: In a first step, the jury will make a shortlist with a maximum of 50 ideas, which will then be the subject of the jury meeting. The jury meeting is scheduled for 06.11.2024. Further information on the evaluation process is described under 5.

4.3 Announcement of the winners and conclusion of the ideas contest: On 8.11.2024, the decision of the jury will be announced during a press conference and made accessible for interested citizens in the form of an exhibition both publicly and digitally. The participants who have been awarded a prize or commendation will be informed in advance. On 19.11., the individuals or groups whose submissions have been commended by the jury, will be honoured in the context of an award ceremony. This concludes the international ideas contest and the prize-winning ideas will be passed on for further processing. Then, the prize-winning ideas will be reviewed by the administration and presented to the political bodies in the form of a draft resolution. The municipal council of the state capital Stuttgart decides which of the award-winning ideas are to be further analysed spatially and considered in the subsequent workshop procedure for the development of an urban development utilisation concept. There shall be no entitlement that the ideas are realised by the administration nor a claim to follow-up projects.


5 Evaluation by the jury and allocation of prize money

5.1 The jury: The submissions are evaluated in a two-step process by a jury from various fields. The jury consists of: experts from the specialist units: culture, science, economy, tourism, (urban) sociology, architecture/planning and (building) ecology. Representatives of the community and youth delegates are also part of the jury, as well as representatives of political parties in the municipal council – these will be appointed on the basis of the proportional jury representation which will be determined following the municipal election in the summer of 2024. The First Deputy Mayor Dr. Fabian Mayer and Peter Pätzold, Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning, Housing and Environment, are also members of the jury. The places for the citizen representatives will be publicly advertised and then selected by drawing lots, taking gender parity into account.

5.2 Process and prize-money: In a first step, the jury will evaluate the submitted ideas and prepare a shortlist with a maximum of 50 ideas. These selected ideas are the subject of the jury meeting which is scheduled for 06.11.2024. In accordance with the basic idea of an open contest, the jury is free to make its own assessment. A total of 30,000 euros prize money (gross) is available to the jury, 24,000 euros (80 %) of which are assigned to the prize awards. The jury is free to decide on the number of prizes and the scaling of the prize money. It can divide the prize money equally among all the prize winners, but can also award the prize money on a staggered basis. The jury can award a maximum of eight prizes. In addition to the 24,000 euros for prizes, the jury has another 6,000 euros at its disposal for commendations. The jury may commend submissions that have not received a prize but show special or outstanding characteristics.

The jury’s decision can refer to the results of the 2023 participation. In this survey, the urban society was asked about what they want, need and, in general, their concerns regarding the use of the terrain. The results from the participation serve as a decision-making backing for the jury, but are not binding.

The anonymised images/diagrams and texts uploaded by the participants to the online platform are the jury’s only basis for evaluating the submissions.


6 Requirements for the contributions submitted

The contributions submitted must comply with the requirements described in the task. In the event of non-compliance, the organiser reserves the right to exclude contributions and not to take these into further consideration.

6.1 Scope of submissions: submissions must contain a clearly presented and/or described proposal how to use the A3 sub-unit. Individual slogans, political or administrative claims or contents not referring to the terrain will not be considered as a sufficiently presented idea and excluded from the process.

6.2 Reference to the A3 sub-unit: The subject of the contest is the utilisation of the area of the A3 sub-unit as shown in the diagrams of the task. Submissions must relate to the utilisation of this terrain and must not significantly interfere with the surrounding buildings or the planning for the Europaquartier, which adjoins the A3 sub-unit. Submissions or aspects of submissions that relate to areas other than the A3 sub-unit or interfere with existing of planned buildings will not be considered in the contest and may be excluded from the process by the organiser.


7 Admission of contributions, exclusion of contributions or participants

7.1 Upon submitting a contribution, the project manager assures that he/she and all group members accept these conditions of participation, that they will correctly identify all third-party contributions and sources used and make reference to these, that the personal data of the participants and the photos and footage taken in the context of the participation in the contest may be used for reports on the contest and for the organiser’s press and public relations in accordance with these conditions of participation, and that they may be passed on to third parties. In addition, the submitting person assures that he/she holds all necessary rights to the submitted images, diagrams and texts and that they do not infringe the copyright or other third-party rights.

7.2 The participants in the ideas contest will not be paid a fee or remuneration for their participation. All costs for developing and submitting the ideas shall be borne by the participants.

7.3 Excluded from submission are ideas which have not been personally developed by the participants, which endanger participants or a third party, which glorify violence, which use or explore military technology, which break the law, which have already been or will be submitted to another contest, which have been marketed or will be prepared for marketing during the contest. When third-party submissions are quoted or used, these have to be marked as third-party contents and reference given to the source; in addition, the use of third-party contents must be legally permissible (legal permissibility or proven acquisition of the rights of use).

7.4 The participants undertake to treat one another and all participants in the contest with respect. In the event of a breach of these conditions of participation, the organiser reserves the right to exclude participants from the ideas contest. Ideas that do not comply with the conditions of participation may be rejected or excluded from the contest at any time. Participants who use unauthorised aids or gain advantages otherwise through manipulation will also be excluded. In addition, the organiser is free to exclude participants retrospectively.


8 Rights of use

8.1 In submitting the respective contribution, the participants declare that they are the authors or originators of the ideas submitted and that the documents and media submitted, in particular images, film, audio and text contributions, do not infringe any third-party rights. The participants further assure that they have obtained the necessary rights of use for all third-party contents whose use requires the granting of rights, including the right that the content can also be used by the organiser within the context of the contest and within the scope of these conditions of participation.

8.2 The participants shall indemnify the organiser from any claims of a third party that are asserted against the organiser as a result of use by the organiser in accordance with the terms and conditions.

8.3 The organiser is not obliged to check the content provided by the participants as to potential infringements of third-party rights. The organiser is, however, entitled to reject submissions if according to appropriate assessment they are unlawful or transgress standards of public decency.

8.4 With their participation in the international ideas contest, the participants agree that their ideas may be used for the further decision and planning process, be further developed and included in the utilisation concept for the A3 sub-unit. Thus, they transfer the rights to their ideas, the developed concepts and contest submissions to the organiser of the contest, the State Capital Stuttgart.

In addition, the participants agree that their ideas may be used by the organiser in the context of the ideas contest and, for the purpose of public relations in online and offline media, distributed and made otherwise publicly accessible to third parties. Upon submission, the exclusive, freely transferable and sub-licensable, permanent, irrevocable, non-cancellable rights to use, edit, reproduce and distribute the documents, descriptions, plan drawings, diagrams, media and content created, which are unrestricted in terms of content, time, place and location, are transferred to the City of Stuttgart. This also applies to future, previously unknown types of use.

In particular the organiser – himself/herself or through a third party – has the right to report on the ideas contest and the people participating in the contest, in works and pictures, with names and images (film, photo) and utilise this in the media. In addition, the participants undertake to be available for the organiser, free of charge and to a reasonable extent, for audio, photo, image and text promotion on the radio, internet or in printed publications.

The organiser, the State Capital Stuttgart, undertakes to name the submitting person or group of persons in all publications of the texts, diagrams and images submitted in the ideas contest.


9. Cancellation of the contest

The organiser reserves the right to cancel or terminate the ideas contest at any time for good cause. This applies in particular in the case of force majeure or if the ideas contest cannot be implemented or continued for other organisational, technical or legal reasons. The organiser will make use of this option in particular if the proper implementation of the contest cannot be guaranteed for technical reasons (e.g. viruses, manipulation) or for legal reasons. In such a case, the participants are not entitled to any claims against the organisers.


10. Liability

10.1 The organiser shall only be liable for damages if the damage is due to intent or gross negligence on the part of the organiser. In the case of minor negligence, the organiser shall also be liable for culpable injury to life, limb or health of a natural person.

10.2 In addition, the organiser shall also be liable for minor negligent breaches of major obligations. Major obligations are those whose fulfilment is essential for the proper implementation of the ideas contest and the achievement of the purpose of the contract and contest and to the compliance of which the participants may regularly rely upon. This limitation of liability applies in particular to damage caused by errors, delays or interruptions in the transmission of data, faults in the technical systems or service, incorrect content, loss or deletion of data, viruses or otherwise when using the application.

10.3 Liability under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected.


11. Privacy

Personal data is processed in accordance with the attached privacy statement.


12 Final provisions

12.1 Amendments to the conditions of participation: The organiser reserves the right to amend or update these conditions of participation at any time and without prior notice. All amendments will be published on the official website of the contest The participants are responsible for taking a regular look at the current conditions of participation. Continued participation in the contest after amendments have been published will be deemed as an acceptance of these amendments. If the conditions of participation are amended during the submission phase, the organiser will inform participants who have already submitted a contribution by e-mail and give them the opportunity to withdraw their contribution or submit it in an amended form.

12.2 Applicable law and place of jurisdiction: These conditions of participation are subject to German law. There is no right of appeal. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any disputes in connection with these conditions or the contest shall be Stuttgart, Germany.

12.3 Severability clause: Should single provisions of these conditions of participation be or become invalid in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a legally permissible provision that comes as close as possible to the purpose of the invalid provision.

12.4 Waiver of rights: Any waiver by the organiser of exercising a right or a provision of these conditions of participation shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

12.5 The German version of these conditions of participation is binding.


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